
DJ Roadrunner

DJ Roadrunner

Germany | Regular DJ

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Performance: 1 mixes pr week

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Stamina: 428 total DJ mixes

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I am Stephan and I come from Northwest Germany.
I started DJing in 1988 during the Acid House movement.
From 1992 - 1995 I put on every saturday in the discotheque "Schloßkeller" in Fürstenau.
I have been attending regular rave parties since 1993, such as MAYDAY in dortmund, berlin and frankfurt and the love parade in berlin and also in different clubs in Cincinnati (Osnabrück), Cosmic Club (Münster), E-Werk (berlin), Hanomag terrain (hannover) and even more.
Nowadays I put on in various private parties.


Uplifting Trance and Hands Up


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